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Here is a logo of the team that i go for . The full name is Las Aguilas De La America. I liked this team since i was little because my da would always buy me clothes or anything that had to do with America. Then I grew and startd liking it more and more. And ofcourse we do have an anemie and the enemie is called chivas but we can take them.


Here is like my favorite soccer ball. Its my favorite soccer ball because I like the nike logo and because this ball is use in many different kinds of places like for example in proffesioanal soccer games.


Here is one of my favorite car, the Lamborghini. I like this car because of how it looks and how fast it goes. This car is expensive and you might not really see one near your house because no one would have the money to get it unless you are at an area were there is rich people.


Here is the shirt that i have. This shirt represents the team that i go for. I like this shirt color more the yellow one because it looks better. But i also have the yellow one.


This player right here is my favorite player because he plays good and o like the way that he plays. He is a very known player because he also plays for the international team Mexico. But also he is known by how he plays and that he complains a lot but either way he is a good player.


Manchester United is another of my favorite team. Also because there is a great player like Cristiano Ronaldo. He is known like as good as Ronaldihno but i think Cristiano Ronaldo is better.


This is one of the pictures that i think is cool because it has our enemie called Chivas on the bottom. Also because it has Mexico too.